Ressources pour vous aider à vous préparer à l’université
Les universités proposent divers programmes et soutiens pour nombre de types d’étudiantes et d’étudiants. Les ressources dans cette page peuvent vous aider à vous adapter à la vie et aux études universitaires.
Nota : Les critères d’admissibilité peuvent varier d’un programme à un autre.
Il ne s’agit pas d’une liste exhaustive. Prière de communiquer directement avec l’université en question pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements.
Nota : Puisque plusieurs universités sont anglophones, les renseignements qu'elles ont fourni sont en anglais seulement.
Ontario Tech University
- Program for incoming students with documented disabilities.
- Understand the real differences between high school, college and university.
- Learn about self-advocacy and how to use your strengths.
- Become immersed in the software you will use every day in our technology-enriched learning environment.
- Learn tried-and-true strategies to make the most of your university experience.
- Meet key staff who will provide academic and learning support.
- Become familiar with the campus and the Oshawa area.
- Offered throughout August.
- Registration required.
- Ontario Tech’s largest transition program, geared toward students who are beginning classes in September.
- Prepare for success in your first year by learning from upper-year students who volunteer their time to welcome you to the university community.
- Orientation will provide you with opportunities to:
- Familiarize yourself with the campus.
- Learn how to get the most from your university experience.
- Meet new friends, faculty and staff.
- Participate in engaging activities and traditions, unique to Ontario Tech.
- Offered at the beginning of September.
- Registration for our unique programs is not the same for every student; we offer faculty- and program-specific information sessions.
- Designed to give you all the information you need to successfully register for your courses.
- Live sessions are offered throughout the summer and are run by your faculty’s academic advising team.
- Promotes academic and personal success by providing insight about what it will be like to be a student at our university.
- Meet fellow classmates, faculty and staff, learn strategies for attending university lectures and discuss what makes your university experience unique.
- Free, interactive sessions that provide you with a recap of foundational academic concepts for your program.
- Learn about study skills and time management, and develop effective strategies to be successful in university.
- Non-credit; registration required.
- We strongly recommend the sessions and offer specialized programming for all programs.
- Offered in the summer.
- Fosters a culture of inclusivity and support throughout your postsecondary journey and beyond.
- The program ensures you have the opportunity to connect with the mentorship community, receive support and engage with your peers.
- Peer Leader Mentoring program goals include:
- Establishing an inclusive and welcoming community of peers that cultivates a network and culture of mentorship.
- Providing support and guidance through various transitions in your postsecondary journey, from acceptance to post-graduation.
- Engaging you in personal growth, lifelong learning and leadership opportunities through flexible, experiential programming that leverages the development of interpersonal, academic and professional skills.
- Creating a unified mentorship network that fosters respectful, interdisciplinary connections between individual peer programs and provides opportunities for collaborative programming.